Your Smile is The First Impression

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A beautiful smile is a valuable asset that can have a significant impact on your social life. In fact, a person’s smile is the first thing we notice about another person. According to a recent study conducted by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, 99.7% of adults believe that a nice smile is an important social asset, and 3 out of 4 adults feel an unattractive smile can decrease a person’s chance for career success Click here.

Another study found that in Oklahoma City, OK, having a healthy and attractive smile can play a big role in your personal and professional life. A beautiful smile can improve your self-confidence, making it easier to make new friends, impress potential clients, or even land that dream job.

Many people are self-conscious about their teeth, especially if they have crooked, stained, or missing teeth. Some are so embarrassed about their teeth that they don’t smile or cover their mouth with their hand when they smile or laugh to hide their teeth.

However, thanks to advances in dental technology, there are now many options available for improving your smile. Teeth whitening, veneers, and crowns and dentures are all popular cosmetic dentistry procedures that can enhance the appearance of your teeth. Additionally, orthodontic treatments such as Invisalign® and ClearCorrect can straighten crooked teeth and improve your bite.

Professional teeth whitening is a popular cosmetic dentistry procedure that can easily, quickly and affordably enhance the appearance of your teeth. There are several different methods of teeth whitening, including in-office treatments, at-home treatments, and over-the-counter products. In-office treatments are the most effective and quickest way to achieve a brighter smile, while professional at-home treatments from your dentist are effective and can easily improve the color of your teeth.

Dental veneers are another popular cosmetic dentistry option that can improve the appearance of your teeth. Veneers are thin shells of porcelain that are bonded to the front of your teeth. They can be used to correct a wide range of cosmetic dental issues, including chipped, cracked, or stained teeth, and even to close gaps between teeth. Veneers are custom-made to fit your teeth and are designed to look and feel like your natural teeth.

Dental implants are a popular option for replacing missing teeth. A dental implant is a small, titanium post that is placed into the jawbone to support a replacement tooth. Dental implants are a popular option for replacing missing teeth because they look and feel like natural teeth and can last for many years if not a lifetime with proper care. Orthodontic treatment, such as Invisalign and ClearCorrect is a popular way to straighten crooked teeth and improve your bite. Invisalign is a clear, removable aligner that is custom-made to fit your teeth. The aligners are worn for 22 hours a day and are changed every two weeks. Invisalign and clear correct treatment can take anywhere from 3 to 18 months, depending on the severity of the case.

In addition to cosmetic treatments, it is also important to maintain good oral hygiene to ensure that your teeth stay healthy and beautiful. Regular checkups and cleanings with a dental professional in Oklahoma City, OK, can help prevent cavities, gum disease and other dental issues that can cause problems with your smile. It is also important to brush and floss your teeth every day, and to avoid foods and drinks that can stain your teeth.

In conclusion, a beautiful smile is a valuable social asset that can have a positive impact on your personal and professional life. If you’re self-conscious about your teeth, there are many options available to enhance your smile. Don’t hesitate to call and schedule an appointment today with Dr. Rhodes in Oklahoma City, OK, today to learn more about how you can improve your smile with cosmetic dentistry. Dr. Rhodes was voted Favorite Cosmetic Dentist by the 405 magazine and can help you achieve a beautiful and healthy smile that will boost your self-confidence and improve your social life. Remember, a nice smile can make a great first impression!