Why You Should Never Ignore a Broken Tooth

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Dental Crown in Oklahoma City, OK

A broken or cracked tooth is no fun. You may have been biting something like a hard candy, a nut or some ice and you heard a crack and felt something strange in your mouth. Maybe it was an old silver/mercury filling or part of your tooth that broke. Either way, a broken tooth or lost filling needs immediate treatment by a dentist in OKC. The broken tooth may be causing sensitivity to hot and cold or even a toothache. Or, the tooth may not be hurting at all yet. In OKC, Advances in Dentistry has treated thousands of broken or cracked teeth in our Oklahoma City dental office. Please call our OKC dental office today if you have a broken tooth or a lost filling because over a short time the tooth will get worse and possibly cause you a lot of pain and problems. Many times same-day emergency appointments are available Monday-Friday.

What causes a broken tooth?

Large Old Mercury or Silver Fillings

There can be many reasons a tooth can break. One common reason is an old large filling, especially a mercury or silver filling. Mercury fillings were first used around 1826 by a French Dentist, but metal fillings have been around since the Tang Dynasty as early as 618 AD. Amalgam or mercury fillings are typically held in the tooth with mechanical retention. Mechanical retention is what keeps the filling from coming out of your tooth when you chew something like gum or eat something sticky. To get mechanical retention the dentist must angle the drill bit (bur) at an angle that will be wider the deeper inside the tooth. This “undercut” of the tooth makes the tooth more susceptible to breaking or fracture since the tooth structure under the top of the tooth has been drilled away. Think of seeing an iceberg,  you just see a small amount above the water but below the water it is much bigger. The same is typically true with an amalgam or mercury filling, what you see on the biting surface of the tooth is small compared to the larger amount that is “inside” the tooth.

If you bite something hard, the force goes from the top of the tooth down to the filling where it can then create a stress large enough that causes the tooth to break or fracture away from the filling. Ideally, an amalgam/mercury filling should be no wider than one-third of the tooth width, so as to not weaken the tooth. This is not always possible since the decay inside the tooth can be larger than that. These types of fillings can also “leak” over time. As an amalgam filling ages, a gap can form between the filling and the tooth. Imagine if the weather stripping around your doors and windows cracks and gaps, you would get cold or warm air leaking into your house. The same is true when a gap forms between an old filling and the tooth. Now, bacteria get into the tooth from these gaps and you can not clean it because the gap is smaller than your toothbrush bristles. Now, this bacteria can live undisturbed so it multiplies and causes cavities and severe damage to the tooth. This decay destroys tooth material and if the damage is severe enough and you bite hard enough on the tooth it can cause the tooth to break.

What is the Treatment for Old Silver, Mercury, Amalgam fillings or a Broken Or Cracked Tooth? Dental Crowns at Advances in Dentistry in Oklahoma City to Fix a Broken Tooth.

The typical treatment for an old silver filling is a dental crown or dental cap. Think of a dental crown as a helmet for your tooth. Like a helmet for your head that protects your head from forces and trauma. The same is true for a tooth crown. The crown protects your tooth from forces and trauma that would damage, break or crack the tooth. At Advances in Dentistry, Dr. Rhodes has been making dental crowns since 1994. The majority of the dental crowns our Oklahoma City dentists make are all tooth colored material with no metal. The crowns at Advances in Dentistry are amazingly strong compared to other crowns dentist use and do a great job of protecting your teeth and allowing you to eat and chew the foods you want without pain and discomfort. Call our dental office in OKC today to get scheduled to protect your tooth with a dental crown.

Teeth Grinding, Bruxism, Teeth Clenching

Teeth grinding, teeth clenching also known as bruxism affects millions of people every year. Teeth Grinding can cause jaw pain, TMJ disorders, headaches, toothaches and severe tooth damage. In Oklahoma City, Dr. Rhodes has treated thousands of patients since 1994 who clench or grind their teeth. Dr. Rhodes states he has seen an increase in the percentage of people in Oklahoma City who grind their teeth over the years. He attributes increased stress and anxiety as a reason that many people clench and grind their teeth. The American Dental Association also states that dentists across the United States have seen an increase in teeth clenching, grinding and bruxism over the last few years.

According to the Cleveland Clinic, people can put up to 250 psi of pressure on their teeth at night while clenching and grinding. This can lead to worn down, flat teeth which alter the bite and can lead to TMJ disorders. Some TMJ disorders due to teeth grinding and clenching can be clicking or popping of the jaw joint in front of the ear when you open and close your mouth. Other symptoms of TMJ disorders can include jaw pain, pain when chewing, frequent headaches, earaches and even a jaw locking opening or it can be difficult to open wide. Teeth grinding can also cause teeth to fracture which can cause a severe toothache. Tooth fracture can lead to the need for a root canal and crown on a tooth or possibly a tooth extraction if the tooth can not be saved. Finding a dentist in OKC quickly is very important.

What is the Treatment for Teeth Grinding/Bruxism/Teeth
Clenching in OKC? What is the Treatment for Jaw Pain due to Teeth Grinding in OKC?

Professional Mouth Guard at Advances in Dentistry in Our
Northwest OKC dental office in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

If you are experiencing jaw pain, headaches, tender jaw muscles, teeth pain or worn down teeth it can be due to teeth grinding. At Advances in Dentistry in Northwest Oklahoma City, we have successfully treated thousands of patients who grind their teeth with a professional, custom made mouth guard. A mouth guard also known as a night guard is a professional dental appliance that is custom made for each individual patient and no two are alike. Professional night grinding guards can also be known as TMJ splints. For patients who are symptomatic with jaw pain and tenderness, frequent headaches, worn or cracked teeth and sore teeth a professional mouth guard may be the answer.

At our dental office in Oklahoma City, Dr. Rhodes will do a dental exam and check your teeth, your bite and your TMJ (jaw joint) as well as ask you a few questions. If needed, a professional mouth guard can be fabricated for you to relieve your pain and discomfort. A professional mouth guard is fabricated for you by your OKC dentist by taking an impression or mold of your upper and lower teeth and a mold of your bite. From these custom molds a set of models will be made. The models will then be placed on an articulator which simulates the way your teeth come together and the way your jaw specifically moves when you grind your
teeth and move your jaw.

A multilayer special dental material that is hard on the outside and soft and comfortable on the inside is then vacuumed formed onto one of the models of your teeth. The opposite jaw model is then used to articulate or form the bite of the appliance. Once it is fabricated we will have you back in for another dental appointment and check the appliance in your mouth and make any necessary adjustments and verify the fit. We will give you specific instructions based on your symptoms to help resolve your symptoms and prevent further dental problems. It is very important that this professional appliance is made properly and adjusted at our OKC dentist office. When you come back in for your routine check up and teeth cleaning every six months, bring your night guard with you and we will clean it and make any necessary adjustments.

Other Reasons for a Broken Tooth?

Besides large old fillings and teeth grinding, teeth can break or fracture for other reasons like large cavities, accidents or a tooth that had a root canal but never received a crown. No matter the reason, if you experience a broken tooth or lost filling and need a dentist in OKC please call Advances in Dentistry at 405-751-6996. Our OKC dentist office is located at 12320 St. Andrews Dr.
Oklahoma City Oklahoma 73120. Our dental office is conveniently located on the Northwest side of Oklahoma City at NW 122nd and Lake Hefner Parkway. We are happy to treat you for your OKC Dental Emergency.

All content is the property of Advances in Dentistry in Oklahoma City.