Teeth Straightening in Oklahoma City With Clear Aligner Therapy

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Invisalign in Oklahoma City, OK

Clear aligner therapy is a type of modern orthodontic treatment that started in the late 1990’s that uses a series of high tech, clear, flexible plastic aligners to straighten teeth. The aligners are custom made for your teeth via computer technology and are virtually undetectable when you are wearing them.  It is an alternative to traditional braces that use metal wires and brackets to move teeth. Clear aligner therapy is extremely popular due to its numerous benefits over traditional braces. Dr. Rhodes and Advances in Dentistry in Oklahoma City have been straightening teeth for over 20 years with Invisalign® and ClearCorrect clear aligners. In this blog, we will discuss the benefits of clear aligner therapy and how it can help you achieve a beautiful, straight, healthy smile.

The Multiple Benefits of Straightening Teeth with ClearCorrect or Invisalign

Invisible Appearance

One of the most significant advantages of clear aligner therapy is that the aligners are virtually invisible. They are made of clear, patented, flexible, thermoplastic material custom-made to your teeth, making them almost impossible to detect. You can smile, talk and carry on your normal daily activities while wearing your clear aligners. This makes clear aligner therapy an ideal option for busy adults or teenagers who are self-conscious about wearing braces or don’t have the time to have frequent, long appointments to change wires and brackets as with traditional metal braces.

Invisalign and ClearCorrect are Very Comfortable and Convenient

Clear aligners are much more comfortable than traditional braces. They are made of smooth plastic that does not irritate the gums and cheeks like metal wires and brackets do. With metal braces and wires the brackets and wires can rub against your cheeks and lips causing mouth soars and irritation. This is why many people wearing braces carry a soft orthodontic wax with them, so they can push the wax onto the braces and wires to make it more comfortable. Clear aligners like Invisalign and ClearCorrect are also removable, making it easy to eat, brush and floss. This makes clear aligner therapy an extremely convenient option for those who still want to eat the foods they like and to be able to brush and floss their teeth like normal. No food getting stuck in the metal braces! Also, there are less dental appointments needed at Advances in Dentistry in OKC with clear aligner therapy versus the number of dental appointments needed with traditional braces. The length of the dental appointments with Invisalign or ClearCorrect is also significantly less than is required for traditional braces.

Straightening Your Teeth with Invisalign® or ClearCorrect Can Lead to Improved Oral Health 

By straightening your teeth, clear aligner therapy can help improve your oral health. Crooked or misaligned teeth can make it difficult to clean your teeth properly, leading to gum disease and cavities. This is especially true with the lower front teeth. These teeth are the smallest in the mouth and typically trap more tarter than the other teeth. When the teeth are misaligned or crooked it makes it extremely hard to clean these teeth properly. Tarter develops on these teeth quicker because of the salivary gland under the tongue which secretes calcium and phosphate minerals in saliva. See the Article from Jama.

Tarter leads to inflammation and periodontal disease which increases the risk of tooth loss as well as heart disease. Straight teeth are easier to clean and maintain, reducing the risk of dental problems. Traditional metal braces and wires make it nearly impossible to properly brush and floss your teeth which can lead to swollen gums, cavities, tarter build up and “white spots” on the teeth after the braces are removed.

Effective Treatment

Clear aligner therapy is an effective treatment for many orthodontic issues, including crowded teeth, gaps between teeth, misaligned teeth and bite problems. The aligners are custom-fitted to your teeth and apply gentle pressure to shift the teeth into the desired position. In most cases, clear aligner therapy produces results in a shorter timeframe than traditional braces since the movements are predetermined by a high tech teeth straightening software. Dr. Rhodes and the Dentists at Advances in Dentistry in OKC can design each custom fitted aligner to predictably move certain teeth an exact amount that makes the treatment more effective and predictable. Here is a link to an ADA article regarding the advantages of clear aligner therapy like Invisalign and ClearCorrect.

Predetermined Results

Imagine, seeing your potential beautiful, new smile before you decide on moving forward with treatment. Because clear aligner therapy uses advanced computer technology to accurately predict the movement of teeth, Dr. Rhodes and Advances in Dentistry can show you a computerized simulation of the before and after results. This gives you peace of mind and allows you to see how great your smile could look and to help you make a well informed decision about your treatment.

Cost of Invisalign® and Clear Aligner Therapy 

Clear aligner therapy is often more cost-effective than traditional braces. The cost varies depending on the severity of the teeth issues like crowding, gaps and misalignment the teeth. The length of treatment, the number of aligners required and the custom treatment needed for each person also plays a factor in the cost of the teeth straightening treatment. Clear aligner therapy can be more affordable than traditional braces in many cases.  For Invisalign, ClearCorrect and other clear aligner therapy, Advances in Dentistry in Oklahoma City offers multiple payment options as well as a 12 month interest-free payment plan through CareCredit for many cases.

Teeth Whitening in OKC

The typical cost for professional teeth whitening in OKC can be several hundred dollars. At Advances in Dentistry, in many cases we can use your Invisalign or ClearCorrect invisible aligners as a bleaching tray to whitening your teeth. This makes professional teeth whitening very inexpensive since you will already have a custom tray fabricated for your teeth. We can provide you with a high powered teeth whitening agent, only available through a dentist, to get your teeth white in a short amount of time. So, you can be whitening your teeth while your are straightening them at the same time.

No Broken Wires or Lost Brackets with Clear Aligners

One of the disadvantages of traditional braces is that there are metal brackets that can become detached from your tooth. Also, wires are used to attach to the brackets that can come loose or dislodge, creating a dental emergency.

TMJ Relief with Teeth Straightening.

For some people TMJ pain and problems can be an issue due to misaligned teeth and an improper bite. Just as the tires on your car have to be aligned and balanced, the same is true with your bite. If the teeth do not come together properly due to crowding, spacing, missing teeth or other issues, it can cause the TMJ area and muscles to become inflamed, leading to problems like frequent headaches, jaw pain and a host of other issues. Dr. Rhodes has treated thousands of patients in Oklahoma City with TMJ issues and many times part of the treatment involves straightening the teeth as well as correcting the bite. Dr. Rhodes always does a TMJ evaluation and screening when he does an examination. Many people are happy to learn that Dr. Rhodes can treat the TMJ  pain and problems they are experiencing. 

Proven Long Term Success

Since the late 1990’s clear aligner therapy like Invisalign has been used on millions of people all over the world to straighten their teeth. Dr. Rhodes and Advances in Dentistry in Oklahoma City was one of the first dentists in Oklahoma City to straightened teeth with Invisalign and clear aligner therapy. Dr. Rhodes has been creating beautiful smiles with clear aligner therapy since the early 2000’s.

Dr. Rhodes in OKC is an Experienced Dentist for Teeth Straightening

Dr. Corbyn Rhodes is a 1994 graduate of the University of Oklahoma College of Dentistry. With decades of experience in teeth straightening, Invisalign and ClearCorrect clear aligner therapy, teeth whitening and cosmetic dentistry, he has the experience and expertise to give you the smile of your dreams. His patients in Oklahoma City, Yukon, Nichols Hills, Edmond, Enid, Piedmont, Moore and the surrounding areas have been thrilled with their beautiful smiles. Straighten teeth is a type of cosmetic dentistry that has a positive effect on people including building self confidence.  Voted Favorite Cosmetic Dentist in OKC and Best Dentist in OKC gives you the confidence that you are choosing the top dentist in OKC. Our dental office is located at 12320 St. Andrews Dr. OKC OK 73120. We are just north of Lake Hefner on NW 122nd street.

Call our OKC dentist office today at 405-751-6996 and mention your Promo Code, NCOC, to receive a complimentary consultation with Dr. Rhodes and discuss how clear aligner therapy can help you attain a beautiful healthy smile. We look forward to helping you create the smile of your dreams!