Are You Ready To Wear Some of the Best Dentures Available in OKC?

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Many people are searching for the best dentures in Oklahoma City. But, what they don’t know is what makes a denture the best denture or what makes a denture not the best. Let’s discuss this and find the answer so you can have the best denture in OKC.

According to the National Institute of Health (www., over 10% of people between the ages of 50-65 have no remaining teeth. The problem gets worse with age as 30% of those between the ages of 65-74 have no remaining teeth. Dental decay and gum and bone disease (periodontitis) are the main reasons people lose teeth.

Smokers have a three times greater risk of developing gum disease. Gum disease and periodontitis can be contributing factors to heart attacks, strokes, blood clots and infections. Poor oral health can also cause problems like GERD and GI issues because many of these people cannot eat a healthy diet. If your teeth are in poor shape or you have advanced periodontal disease, considering a denture might just be a great solution not only for your dental health but also as a way to improve your general health.

A partial denture or complete denture?

There are typically two types of dentures. The first is a partial denture. A partial denture is for a person who is missing one or more teeth but still has some good remaining natural teeth. A complete denture is for a person with no remaining teeth. Another type of complete denture is an immediate denture which is made for a person with some natural remaining teeth but they will be removed soon and the new denture will be immediately placed in the mouth right after the teeth are extracted. All of these types of dentures are removable as you can take them in and out of your mouth. If enough bone is available in the jaw dental implants can be placed and the denture can be “locked” onto the implants.

What makes a great denture?

So, now that we know the different types of dentures, what typically makes for a great denture or the best denture? One thing to consider is the experience of the dentist making the denture. Dentures are an art and science. It typically takes years if not decades of experience for a dentist to learn the ends and outs of making a denture as well as being able to adjust the denture to the patient’s needs.

Another consideration is the amount of remaining bone in the jaw. Typically the more bone height and width available the better a denture can fit.

Another major consideration to getting the best denture is the materials used to make the dentures. Many “cheap” or “inexpensive” dentures are “cheap” or “inexpensive” for a reason. Just like a house, a car or a simple meal, things can be made cheap by using cheap materials or ingredients. Cheap teeth in a denture typically do not have the best look and are often described as looking fake. Cheap teeth also wear down quickly, making eating more difficult and giving your face a more sunken appearance. Making sure you choose a dentist who uses good quality materials in your dentures to give you a great fit and look is very important.

How are great dentures made?

Now you may ask, okay, I want the best denture, so how are the best dentures made?

Impressions: The dentures are made by taking impressions of your mouth. These impressions are very important and need to be made using quality materials because these impressions are what your denture will be made from.

Your desires: In making the best dentures your OKC dentist should talk with you about how you want your dentures to look. If you have an old set of dentures your dentist should discuss what you like and dislike about your old dentures. Dentures are more than what you eat and speak with. A smile can show your personality and character. Being able to choose the actual look of the teeth is what can make a denture look natural and the person looks younger.

Function: Once you have determined how you would like your denture to look, the dentist will evaluate how it will function with a series of measurements. This ensures that your denture functions as well as it looks.

Test dentures: You will be able to try on the dentures before they are completed to make sure they look and feel how you want them to. This is an extremely important step to making the best dentures. Once you approve the dentures they will be ready at your next appointment. Many dentists skip this step to save time and money and you are given the new dentures without being able to try them on and approve them before they are made. Many patients in this situation state they are now stuck with a pair of dentures that don’t fit right.

Receive your new dentures: This is a very exciting dental appointment when you receive your new dentures! Your dentist will place them in your mouth and make sure they look and feel great. Your bite is checked and any adjustments needed will be made.

Follow-up: This is very important to get the best fitting dentures. You need to be able to wear your dentures for a day or two and come back to the dental office in Oklahoma City to have any denture adjustments that are needed. Dentists that want the best dentures for their patients typically offer a few follow-up visits at no cost to ensure the patient is comfortable and happy with their new dentures.

Maintenance: Taking good care of your denture is very important. Cleaning your denture and brushing your gums daily help maintain a clean denture and mouth.

Future appointments: Regular six-month checkups with your dentist are important. Your dentist will professionally clean and disinfect your dentures and make adjustments to your denture as needed. Your dentist will also check your gums, jawbones and mouth for oral cancer.

Good fitting dentures are worth the investment

Remember you wear your dentures every day. You eat, chew, speak and smile with your dentures. Having a good fitting denture allows you to eat the foods you want and smile and talk with confidence. Many patients who have chosen low cost dentures are not happy and wish they had invested in a better denture. Choosing to spend a little more for the best denture can give you a higher quality of life and actually save you money in the long run. Investing in your health is never a bad idea.

Dr. Corbyn Rhodes is a 1994 graduate of the University of Oklahoma College of Dentistry and the owner of Advances in Dentistry in Oklahoma City. Dr. Rhodes has over 27 years of experience in dentures and has helped thousands of patients in Oklahoma City with their dental needs. He was voted Best Dentist in OKC and Favorite Cosmetic Dentist. Remember, investing in your health is never a bad idea.

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